Solutions for COMINT, EW, MVS and spectrum management

Systems and products of PLATH are specially designed for the needs of intelligence organisations, ITU-offices and coastal surveillance authorities. The scope of PLATH solutions is strategic intelligence for conflict avoidance and tactical intelligence for conflict handling. The scalable degree of automation leads to a seamless intelligence in near real-time and is the excellence of PLATH.



Shaping the future of intelligence with solutions from sensors to knowledge

Together with our customers PLATH develops individual solutions based on a proven selection of subsystems and products for communication intelligence (COMINT) and electronic warfare (EW). Our customers benefit from long-standing and deep relations to the PLATH team.
Supported by a reliable network of specialists for various aspects of intelligence, PLATH is able to provide complete solutions for acquisition, analysis, visualisation and evaluation. 


PLATH combines the expertise of all members of PLATH Group to design and develop cutting edge systems for COMINT, EW, MVS (maritime traffic safety) and spectrum management.

The PLATH Group consists of following additional companies:

PROCITEC GmbH (Signal Analysis)
INNOSYSTEC GmbH (Prozessing and Evaluation of Intercepted Data)
PLATH AG (LabView based design for signal analysis processes)
PLATH EFT GmbH (Production and Construction)