•Communications Interoperability (互聯通訊)
–Top mount display provides: (顯示面板提供:)
Quick indication of current interoperability cross-connections
Displays the status of connected devices (COR, PTT, signal, and network links)
Loading of Radio Templates
–Options include: (選項含:)
(2) VoIP / RoIP Channels (Key Enabled)
(兩路鍵動式VoIP / RoIP通道)
Armored Tactical Case (battery and AC power)
•Provides interoperability between (提供以下的互聯)
–Up to (4) audio devices (LMR, Dispatch Console, Basestations ,etc)
(LMR, 派遣台,基地台等達四個語音設備)
–Local Operator (一個操作員)
–(2) optional VoIP ports (二個選用VoIP埠)